WHY: I always had a thing for silver necklaces, especially those antique ones that look as if they were sitting in an old memory box that was passed from generation to generation. An item like this necklace from Miansai that tells a story that you might or might not know of but its long years and history add depth and breathe life into it, making it the perfect piece to show and highlight ones personal style and taste. Its usually those guys who wears an antique cuff-links that they found in a thrift shop or an old belt buckle that they found in their grandfather's closet that have a unique and inspiring sense of style and that have an eye to find these items and mix them into their contemporary updated wardrobe. These type of pieces incorporated in your style will make you look confident and distinctive and will set you apart from everyone else!
And in the spirit of the holiday...i think it will also make a great gift for a special person who appreciate these type of jewelery.....(can someone send this link to my wife????)
BTW i would shorten the chain to have the charm closer to my neck, I'm not into these long chains...they are too trendy. also this way i could wear it with a button down shirt as well.
INFO: An antique chain detailed with a sterling silver charm and military ribbon. This piece measures approx 30” in circumference.
PRICE: $361.00

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